Oh God not more jabs….










So brave ouch a breeze OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?


SO not only did we have jabs last week (which cost the princely sum of £700!), but we are back for more! I’ve been pricked more times than a… I’ll leave it to your imagination. So today was Hepatitis A, and tomorrow we are off to Trailfinders for more. Then we have the Malaria tablets along with more rabies, typhoid and a couple of others I can’t remember although we drew the line at Japanese Encephalitis AND then to cap it all we’ve got a load of boosters to follow up on, although the good news is we can get those while away, GREAT.

You see no one tells you about all this stuff when they blog about going to far flung places with golden beaches, they forget to mention your arse will look like a colander once you’ve had every vaccine imaginable. They omit the fun stuff about needing a long break from having packed your life into little boxes and then Tetrised them into a garage (That’s an art in itself). And to add insult to injury we then have to pay to get vaccinated for apparently every disease known to man!