Oh God not more jabs….










So brave ouch a breeze OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?


SO not only did we have jabs last week (which cost the princely sum of £700!), but we are back for more! I’ve been pricked more times than a… I’ll leave it to your imagination. So today was Hepatitis A, and tomorrow we are off to Trailfinders for more. Then we have the Malaria tablets along with more rabies, typhoid and a couple of others I can’t remember although we drew the line at Japanese Encephalitis AND then to cap it all we’ve got a load of boosters to follow up on, although the good news is we can get those while away, GREAT.

You see no one tells you about all this stuff when they blog about going to far flung places with golden beaches, they forget to mention your arse will look like a colander once you’ve had every vaccine imaginable. They omit the fun stuff about needing a long break from having packed your life into little boxes and then Tetrised them into a garage (That’s an art in itself). And to add insult to injury we then have to pay to get vaccinated for apparently every disease known to man!


It’s funny but the more we box up the more I realise I don’t actually need all that “stuff” that just seems to clutter our lives. Yet when it’s lying there I cannot imagine being without that peaked cap we bought in Italy that says “Italia” in big bold letters across the front. Despite the fact I have never been bold enough to wear it in public, I might just want to one day. I could say the same about so many things: The Gaggia coffee machine that, like everything Italian, looks fabulous but never worked properly, the dab clock radio with a menu so complicated that if my life depended on it I couldn’t program a radio station. Don’t get me started on the mandolin that someone gave me…

It’s only because we are about to leave for so long that we have had to de-clutter, and it’s very liberating and I wish we had done it sooner. Various articles and books extoll the virtues of de-cluttering and downsizing and like so many self help mantras they are put off for another day but now that we are in the process I am getting a taste for it.

The boys have found it harder to part with their Playmobil, Lego and guns and stuff that they never play with anymore but we have managed to sneak things out although there will be hell to pay when they realise. As they seem to grow out of clothes every couple of days getting rid of clothing was easier than expected, I wish I could say the same for me! Although I drew the line at the 80’s camel overcoat, I have noticed it’s only when something is gone that you’ll admit it looked bloody awful on you, is that a bloke thing?

So onwards and upwards to a newer, lighter and less encumbered life.


30 days to go: can the pre-travel logistics kill the dream?

When thinking and planning to travel, One usually expect a number of twists and turns, losses, sickness, delays, and more, especially with children.

I knew that this very trip, because of its cheer size, would be particularly challenging to organise: packing home, organising the removal & storage, cancelling our administrative life in London, handing over responsibilities at work, planning our route throughout the world, organising all the jabs and the strategic packing for 6 months, all at once, was never to be easy.

Recently however, new and unexpected challenges have arisen:
– the flat is now nearly empty and done up but renting has suddenly come to worry us: the first 2 viewers didn’t jump on the offer and we wonder whether our plans to finance the trip will end to be reviewed. The financial worries always keep me up at night which turn the littlest worry in a massive anxiety! I have started meditating again…

  • Getting visas into India has proven to be an incredible challenge: 4 trips to their offices, a massive pile of paperwork to sign, fill and bring, justifications and proofs required…they even told Rj “not to bother (visiting India)”. Should we really? We persist, India has to be a big part of our trip…

  • The kids although excited are clearly anxious about this big adventure and the move. They show concern about having little bits of their life with us. A couple of “doudous” (soft toys comforters) will make the trip with us!
    (They are not too worried about missing a term of school, neither am I but I still need to ensure we come back with the knowledge required! )

Some days, we ask ourselves, is it really worth it? Do we really need to go through all this for a 6 months adventure?
Many people told us they couldn’t do it, I start to understand why…
But it’s our dream and leaving aside all very inconvenient practicalities, this is what we want to do and experience with our children!
Anyways, we are deep in it to the shoulders now, so let’s breath deeply and face to the challenges thrown at us! 30 days to go!

oh dear God

You have got to be kidding. How is it possible that the three times I have now tried to get our Indian visas I have been sent away with a new list of requirements?!?!

So today’s went something like this:

Officious man behind impressive desk with way too shiny a head

“You can’t apply for a visa more than two months before you want to travel to India”

Me, now losing the will to live

“I know but I was told I could because we are travelling from June 27th”

“You will need to apply in august” he said, completely ignoring what I had just said

“We can’t apply in august as we are leaving at the end of….(slight pause for emphasis)…June”

“Can’t you come back in August?”

“No….we can’t….as….” And it just trailed off as his eyes glazed over and then repeated

“You will need to apply in August”

“Someone said we might be able to add a covering letter explaining how we are leaving London for good at the end of June and therefore can’t be back for August, is this correct?” I said.

“Yes, you can do that” he said matter of factly

At which point I wanted to lean across his rather too large desk and slap him on the head.

So with another list of things that need signing and counter signing I left and scootered home in the rain, which somehow was a perfect reflection of my mood. It will be worth it in the end, I think.